STATS 04/2007

[Thu May 03 21:06:46 2007 ]

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Game index

Player ranking
(sorted by ratio)

Limits used:
min_kills: 200
no_bots: true

Number of games: 241

# Name Ratio Eff Skill Frags Kills Killed Suicides Deaths T.deaths FPM DPM Playtime Games Ping
1 BMADiabolos 2.76 62.0 1.63 848 857 516 3 6 525 7.24 4.48 01:57 h 28 23
2 mouse_test 2.44 59.7 1.47 255 255 172 0 0 172 7.49 5.05 00:34 h 10 54
3 <GODLIKE> 1.39 56.0 1.27 334 336 262 0 2 264 6.63 5.24 00:50 h 10 67
4 MassaCre 1.22 59.0 1.43 333 340 229 6 1 236 4.20 2.98 01:19 h 21 75
5 ELUSTAO 1.10 54.4 1.19 235 236 197 0 1 198 6.96 5.86 00:33 h 10 75
6 M2KSZPADEL 0.67 54.1 1.17 324 325 275 1 0 276 4.55 3.87 01:11 h 14 80
7 bobok 0.13 50.9 1.03 435 437 420 0 2 422 4.43 4.29 01:38 h 20 56
8 BESTYTAO -0.03 50.0 1.00 583 585 584 0 2 586 5.78 5.81 01:40 h 21 72
9 ADHD -0.35 47.8 0.92 794 808 867 5 9 881 3.19 3.55 04:08 h 50 43
10 lobuzzz -0.49 46.1 0.85 238 243 279 3 2 284 2.55 3.04 01:33 h 15 71
11 ^DOG -0.80 45.7 0.84 283 286 337 1 2 340 3.95 4.75 01:11 h 12 22
12 NLADHDNL -1.05 44.8 0.81 366 370 452 3 1 456 4.27 5.32 01:25 h 22 43
13 UnnamedPlayer -1.29 40.5 0.68 292 305 436 10 3 449 2.40 3.69 02:01 h 32 77

Ratio is calculated as (FPM - DPM)
Eff is calculated as (100 * kills / (kills + total deaths))
Skill is calculated as (kills / (total deaths + 1))
MKIOL means "Most Kills In One Life"
Suicides - if you kill yourself with your own weapons
Deaths - if you drown, fall, melt to death etc.
T.deaths is total deaths (killed + suicides + deaths)
FPM is Frags Per Minute
DPM is total Deaths Per Minute

Q3LA build 071, May 8 2002 by Fabian Huester