[Thu Aug 31 19:33:31 2006 ]

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Game index

Player ranking
(sorted by eff)

Limits used:
min_kills: 200
no_bots: true

Number of games: 314

# Name Ratio Eff Skill Frags Kills Killed Suicides Deaths T.deaths FPM DPM Playtime Games Ping
1 BMADiabolos 2.44 66.0 1.94 1306 1328 663 7 15 685 5.14 2.69 04:14 h 49 45
2 Default 1.83 64.9 1.84 251 252 135 1 0 136 4.00 2.17 01:02 h 13 58
3 UGF-[Incognito] 1.48 64.9 1.83 207 207 112 0 0 112 3.22 1.74 01:04 h 7 66
4 frankenstein 1.74 63.8 1.74 198 204 110 1 5 116 4.19 2.46 00:47 h 7 93
5 Gunn 1.37 61.9 1.61 287 287 177 0 0 177 3.57 2.20 01:20 h 9 59
6 (*)(*) 1.09 61.4 1.58 235 245 144 2 8 154 3.17 2.08 01:14 h 11 40
7 assi 0.71 55.4 1.24 347 351 279 3 1 283 3.84 3.13 01:30 h 14 47
8 EFP|FMJ| 0.58 54.6 1.20 565 569 469 2 2 473 3.54 2.97 02:39 h 22 59
9   0.44 53.0 1.12 504 505 447 0 1 448 4.00 3.56 02:05 h 18 61
10 1 -0.28 48.7 0.95 228 229 240 0 1 241 4.83 5.11 00:47 h 11 58
11 YounG*BucK -0.28 47.5 0.90 224 227 248 1 2 251 2.34 2.62 01:35 h 14 72
12 TODFRAX -0.38 47.4 0.90 283 284 314 0 1 315 3.32 3.70 01:25 h 11 20
13 soulsick -0.31 46.7 0.88 267 280 306 3 10 319 1.60 1.91 02:47 h 12 24
14 UnnamedPlayer -0.54 45.9 0.85 723 758 857 20 15 892 2.32 2.86 05:11 h 66 79
15 :) -0.56 45.4 0.83 273 288 332 1 14 347 2.06 2.62 02:12 h 11 58
16 SleepyZombie -0.60 44.6 0.80 193 200 241 2 5 248 2.09 2.69 01:32 h 10 46
17 Szwarcus -0.72 43.7 0.77 312 322 405 0 10 415 2.17 2.89 02:23 h 17 98
18 Morgoth -1.52 36.9 0.58 270 286 474 2 14 490 1.87 3.39 02:24 h 18 119

Ratio is calculated as (FPM - DPM)
Eff is calculated as (100 * kills / (kills + total deaths))
Skill is calculated as (kills / (total deaths + 1))
MKIOL means "Most Kills In One Life"
Suicides - if you kill yourself with your own weapons
Deaths - if you drown, fall, melt to death etc.
T.deaths is total deaths (killed + suicides + deaths)
FPM is Frags Per Minute
DPM is total Deaths Per Minute

Q3LA build 071, May 8 2002 by Fabian Huester