[Mon Jan 01 14:15:44 2007 ]

Q3LA homepage

Game index

Player ranking
(sorted by eff)

Limits used:
min_kills: 200
no_bots: true

Number of games: 328

# Name Ratio Eff Skill Frags Kills Killed Suicides Deaths T.deaths FPM DPM Playtime Games Ping
1 ***KIJU*** 2.97 74.6 2.93 987 999 328 10 2 340 4.53 1.56 03:38 h 42 109
2 EFP|FMJ| 3.04 70.7 2.38 210 212 86 2 0 88 5.23 2.19 00:40 h 7 61
3 iriscience 2.12 62.9 1.69 433 435 255 2 0 257 5.23 3.10 01:22 h 15 62
4   1.22 60.5 1.53 548 604 339 2 54 395 4.35 3.14 02:05 h 25 60
5 . 1.86 60.3 1.51 209 210 137 0 1 138 5.47 3.61 00:38 h 8 62
6 ^Speed<666> 1.56 59.9 1.49 230 232 153 0 2 155 4.79 3.23 00:48 h 8 41
7 BMADiabolos 1.35 57.8 1.36 707 722 513 3 12 528 5.33 3.98 02:12 h 31 43
8 etik.be 0.95 57.1 1.32 226 230 169 1 3 173 4.07 3.11 00:55 h 11 72
9 *SupaGirl* 0.71 55.5 1.24 221 223 177 2 0 179 3.76 3.05 00:58 h 10 38
10 |TEA|Inf1nity 0.60 53.4 1.14 242 243 211 0 1 212 4.87 4.27 00:49 h 14 64
11 FLARE^GER 0.28 51.4 1.06 341 341 322 0 0 322 5.11 4.82 01:06 h 13 71
12 !NCOGN!T0^GER 0.12 50.7 1.02 336 337 327 0 1 328 5.01 4.89 01:07 h 14 135
13 UnnamedPlayer -0.04 50.5 1.02 955 985 937 25 5 967 3.03 3.07 05:15 h 73 50
14 1 -2.05 41.4 0.70 225 232 322 0 7 329 4.44 6.49 00:50 h 11 58
15 Jaris -3.96 24.8 0.33 198 206 618 3 5 626 1.83 5.80 01:47 h 23 52

Ratio is calculated as (FPM - DPM)
Eff is calculated as (100 * kills / (kills + total deaths))
Skill is calculated as (kills / (total deaths + 1))
MKIOL means "Most Kills In One Life"
Suicides - if you kill yourself with your own weapons
Deaths - if you drown, fall, melt to death etc.
T.deaths is total deaths (killed + suicides + deaths)
FPM is Frags Per Minute
DPM is total Deaths Per Minute

Q3LA build 071, May 8 2002 by Fabian Huester