[Fri Dec 01 02:48:16 2006 ]

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Game index

Player ranking
(sorted by name)

Limits used:
min_kills: 200
no_bots: true

Number of games: 872

# Name Ratio Eff Skill Frags Kills Killed Suicides Deaths T.deaths FPM DPM Playtime Games Ping
1   1.43 58.6 1.41 670 674 473 3 1 477 4.97 3.54 02:14 h 31 61
2 SZPADEL 0.09 51.2 1.05 472 484 449 9 3 461 3.68 3.60 02:08 h 37 73
3 >M2K<*SZPADEL* 1.73 61.0 1.55 221 222 141 1 0 142 4.83 3.11 00:45 h 14 75
4 BMADiabolos 1.39 57.6 1.36 742 750 544 8 0 552 5.41 4.02 02:17 h 31 46
5 EFP|FMJ| 0.44 54.2 1.18 435 443 367 6 2 375 3.16 2.73 02:17 h 20 59
6 WILD|FMJ|V 0.44 54.1 1.18 378 388 319 6 4 329 3.40 2.96 01:51 h 18 22
7 !NC0GN!T0 2.14 69.2 2.24 381 387 166 4 2 172 3.89 1.76 01:37 h 21 70
8 !NCOGN!T0^GER -0.12 49.4 0.97 444 446 455 2 0 457 4.26 4.38 01:44 h 36 63
9 ******** 1.36 59.7 1.48 674 681 453 5 2 460 4.28 2.92 02:37 h 44 73
10 *VETRI* 0.00 50.4 1.01 282 286 278 2 2 282 3.42 3.42 01:22 h 20 73
11 :Q 1.38 57.1 1.33 861 869 645 7 1 653 5.69 4.32 02:31 h 49 70
12 ^:) -1.46 44.0 0.78 253 257 323 4 0 327 4.98 6.43 00:50 h 15 76
13 ^Hamster 2.19 62.0 1.63 478 482 291 1 3 295 5.72 3.53 01:23 h 18 55
14 black lava 3.88 65.2 1.87 411 416 217 4 1 222 8.43 4.56 00:48 h 13 69
15 BRaINTaX -2.99 35.0 0.54 218 230 416 5 7 428 3.10 6.09 01:10 h 25 74
16 Bro|UGF|Flare 1.28 57.0 1.32 455 456 343 1 0 344 5.23 3.95 01:27 h 22 78
17 Bro|UGF|Incognito -0.24 48.9 0.96 469 484 490 3 12 505 3.14 3.38 02:29 h 30 63
18 disEMBOWELMENT 2.26 62.5 1.66 317 322 188 1 4 193 5.78 3.52 00:54 h 16 47
19 exec 5.93 73.4 2.73 283 284 102 0 1 103 9.32 3.39 00:30 h 10 69
20 FLARE^GER 0.94 56.0 1.27 601 607 470 4 2 476 4.53 3.59 02:12 h 38 73
21 FROST 5.45 70.1 2.32 216 216 92 0 0 92 9.50 4.05 00:22 h 12 74
22 HUXX^GER -0.11 49.3 0.97 201 204 207 2 1 210 2.40 2.51 01:23 h 11 42
23 LOL -0.26 49.8 0.99 297 314 300 10 7 317 3.83 4.09 01:17 h 24 62
24 MassaCre 1.95 62.8 1.69 1247 1258 734 6 5 745 4.84 2.89 04:17 h 60 73
25 MISTEDYZABUJCA 1.54 62.1 1.63 419 431 251 8 4 263 4.13 2.59 01:41 h 30 73
26 MonsterGirl -1.78 38.5 0.63 522 532 839 5 5 849 2.84 4.62 03:03 h 49 100
27 Petrofsk 0.95 55.5 1.24 231 232 185 0 1 186 4.87 3.92 00:47 h 12 54
28 sHOx 2.19 64.8 1.83 404 414 215 4 6 225 4.93 2.75 01:21 h 29 66
29 SlaYeR 0.78 54.1 1.17 414 419 351 5 0 356 5.55 4.77 01:14 h 21 36
30 Smokey 1.57 57.3 1.34 206 207 153 1 0 154 6.23 4.66 00:33 h 9 36
31 someone -1.15 39.3 0.65 330 340 516 7 3 526 1.94 3.09 02:50 h 38 72
32 TODSLUG 1.33 60.9 1.55 702 706 450 2 2 454 3.75 2.43 03:06 h 32 57
33 TODTASTY -2.06 37.0 0.59 262 264 447 1 1 449 2.89 4.96 01:30 h 16 71
34 TOMMiPL -1.19 40.6 0.68 226 232 333 5 1 339 2.38 3.56 01:35 h 23 102
35 UnnamedPlayer -0.03 50.9 1.03 1626 1700 1568 49 25 1642 2.93 2.96 09:14 h 171 67
36 xD 0.09 52.0 1.08 267 279 246 9 3 258 2.72 2.62 01:38 h 29 52
37 Y 0.36 54.4 1.19 224 242 185 18 0 203 3.87 3.51 00:57 h 20 62

Ratio is calculated as (FPM - DPM)
Eff is calculated as (100 * kills / (kills + total deaths))
Skill is calculated as (kills / (total deaths + 1))
MKIOL means "Most Kills In One Life"
Suicides - if you kill yourself with your own weapons
Deaths - if you drown, fall, melt to death etc.
T.deaths is total deaths (killed + suicides + deaths)
FPM is Frags Per Minute
DPM is total Deaths Per Minute

Q3LA build 071, May 8 2002 by Fabian Huester